Hoosier Uplands has received a grant from the Indiana Department of Health called the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program, which will be a 2.5 year program. One component of this project will include the agency implementing the Lifeskills Training Program throughout southern Indiana. The LifeSkills program is designed to be implemented to high school students, and covers the following topics: The Value of Good Health, Decision-Making for Health, Risk-Taking and Substance Abuse, The Media and Health, Managing Stress, Anger, and Other Emotions, Family Communications, and Health Relationships.
Not only will the TPP grant allow the LifeSkills program to be presented in more schools, the grant is also funding virtual conversations to have with youth and parents. The virtual conversations for youth are referred to as "#WOWtalks," and the parent version is called a "Parent Cafe". The goal of these conversations is to give youth, and their parents, an opportunity to discuss topics they may not otherwise have the chance to discuss to open up to their peers and build relationships. The final component of the program will include working with local healthcare providers to encourage them to participate in the Adolescent Champion Model to become better advocates for youth health.